What if Luke had joined with his father Lord Vader to rule the galaxy as father and son? Finally in Star Wars: Imperial Assault Chaos in the Galaxy you can find out!
Faction restrictions for crafting your list are suspended. Your list can contain up to 50 points in deployment cards, up to 20 points in command card cost, and 20 command cards. Faction restrictions do not apply when crafting 50 point list, but all other faction restrictions, such as Jabba’s abilities or command card restrictions, remain enforced.
You can finally run Lord Vader and Jedi Luke together for father and son galactic domination! Additionally, deployment card limits such as no duplicate unique cards, limit up to 2 of the same elite deployment cards, and up to 4 of the same regular deployment cards remain enforced.
Beyond that – Be imaginative and create some chaos.
Sunday 11/19/2017 – 9:30 am to 5:00 PM – $15.00 entry.