Adepta Sororitas is officially the last Codex/Suppliment that will be legal for the Renegade. Having been released on October 19th, this Codex just snuck into the 30 day window. Be prepared because there are a handful of Sisters players in the Twin Cities.
With this being a E-Codex release only you need to make sure you have your bases covered when coming to the Renegade Open GT.
If you have an E-Codex only list you need to do the following:
1. Bring the Codex with you.
2. Make sure your batteries are charged and bring your charger.
3. Bring a printed copy of the Codex in case your device fails you. It will be a long day on Saturday.
4. Share your rules with your opponent before the game to avoid time delays and misinterpretations during the game.
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