40K Tactics Talk with Jorell
My name is Jorell and I wanted to unleash a massive tactics article for you guys before the Renegade GT so here it goes.
Moving: You can move your models whatever direction you would like.
Shooting: Roll dice and hit stuff. If you enemy fails saves his unit dies.
Assaulting: Go towards stuff and hit it. If your enemy fails saves then his unit dies.
Ok so some of the above stuff might seem pretty basic, but if you really think about it it’s not. For example, you don’t have to move in a straight line. One tactic that I love to use is this: If there is an intervening piece of terrain in the path that I want to move a model, I simply move AROUND it. You’ll lose some distance this way, but you don’t run the risk of rolling two ones!
For shooting, possibly the best tactic that I see many people mess up in my area is: Don’t shoot at stuff you can’t kill. I don’t know how many times I’ve seen people in my play group firing bolters at land raiders. I’ll explain. Land Raiders are armor 14. Bolters are only Str 4. When you roll your dice to wound, even if you roll a six that only adds up to 10. You can’t pen! Definitely a good tactic to remember on the battle field.
The assault phase is possibly the easiest phase of the game, but there are still tactical advantages that you can find on the field of battle. For example, if you have 10 lightning claw terminators and are in range to assault 5 fire warriors, DO IT. You will most likely win the combat. 40k is all a numbers game. Now would I charge 5 assault terminators into 10 fire warriors? It depends. You are risking being beaten in combat and you don’t want to be stuck in a single combat for more than a turn.
So what does this all mean? Well, to put it simply, you have to remember to out think your opponent on all these levels. If I see my opponent only moving in straight lines and shooting at my land raiders with bolters then I know he isn’t trying to out think me and that I have an ok chance to pull out a win.
Objectives are also important sometimes so try to capture them as often as you can. Make sure you take a tough scoring unit that can capture objectives in every list you make. One of the best objective capturers in the game are Dark Eldar Wyches. They can launch devastating assaults and wipe out almost any other troop unit. Not only that, but they are resilient enough to hold the objective for you for a bunch of turns afterwards.
Well, this concludes my tactica for the evening. I wanted to get some stuff out for the guys that are going to renegade. I hope this benefits you guys this weekend.
I’ll have more stuff coming in the future.
Thanks for reading!
Jorell (not Renegade Open Staff)
List Deadline?
Many people have asked, “When are our lists due?” They are technically due at check-in on Saturday morning. To sweeten the already overflowing cup of sponsor prizes we are giving an extra Raffle ticket to anyone who has emailed their list to us by 11:59pm on Wednesday the 20th. You can send your list to: [email protected]
Please have the subject read “army list”
Also please bring enough copies for each of your possible 8 opponents and one for us.
Thanks and see you Saturday
Mission Primers
Here is the mission primer. Renegade Open Mission Primer
Oh yeah, Tons of sponsors have been added. Here are some more.
25 Days and closing in on a fun weekend
Adepta Sororitas is officially the last Codex/Suppliment that will be legal for the Renegade. Having been released on October 19th, this Codex just snuck into the 30 day window. Be prepared because there are a handful of Sisters players in the Twin Cities.
With this being a E-Codex release only you need to make sure you have your bases covered when coming to the Renegade Open GT.
If you have an E-Codex only list you need to do the following:
1. Bring the Codex with you.
2. Make sure your batteries are charged and bring your charger.
3. Bring a printed copy of the Codex in case your device fails you. It will be a long day on Saturday.
4. Share your rules with your opponent before the game to avoid time delays and misinterpretations during the game.
Was your army of choice just released? Do your favorite brushes look like they belong to a 4 year old? Check out these 2 great sponsors of ours below and get your stuff painted.